Friday, April 15, 2005

Grade School Reunion

I think life has a way of blocking certain paths what will ultimately lead you astray. Life also has a way of presenting opportunities that will lead you ultimately toward your life purpose. It is my wish that I am open and listening when these road blocks and pathways occur, as my ultimate goal is achieving/living my life’s purpose.

That being said, in my advanced years, I have reflected on my path and tried to decipher when I was being led astray. When did I feel like I was on the right path, and when did I listen to that inner voice. You know the one: “Go left” “Walk, don’t drive” “Call him/her” “Leave now” “Don’t answer the phone,” ”Follow the white rabbit.”

What have I done in the last twenty years of my life? Initially I became depressed at the thought of looking back twenty years. What the hell have I accomplished?

I, like many who read “O” Magazine, have created a list of things I will accomplish before becoming a centurion:

  1. I will be published
  2. I will start my own business
  3. I will be a great mother/grandmother/role model for girls and women
    I will experience love, unconditionally
  4. I will express myself in a way that resonates in the souls of all who listen (and may that be many)
  5. I will reach level eight of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

So, I look at these goals and from there I chronicle my major accomplishments/life events to date:

  • I’ve written three children’s books and am in the process of writing two novels
  • I have been pushed and pulled in the direction of my ultimate business through my career, all of which I believe are leading me down a path. I am currently a Sr. Project Manager for a medical education firm, educating doctors and patients about HIV disease and AIDS
  • Luckily I have a great daughter in Blythe and I truly hope you all get a chance to meet her. She truly embodies the definition of her name (happiness, light hearted). She humbles me and makes me proud in every sense to be her mother. She’s bright, funny (she makes jokes at 2.5 years old!), beautiful, and a joy to be around. I love her unconditionally. Through her, I have tapped into the need to be a role model for women/girls and I continue to pursue that in my writing through smart, strong, female characters
  • Number 5…Still working on this through my writing and throughout my career
  • Through meditation and yoga, I continue to “get in touch” with my inner self and gain precious steps to achieving levels seven and eight of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: self-transcendence and self-actualization

I see a pattern…I’m listening, and I continue to love learn and live


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